PJL - Port Jersey Logistics
PJL stands for Port Jersey Logistics
Here you will find, what does PJL stand for in Logistics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Port Jersey Logistics? Port Jersey Logistics can be abbreviated as PJL What does PJL stand for? PJL stands for Port Jersey Logistics. What does Port Jersey Logistics mean?The United States based company is located in Cranbury, New Jersey engaged in logistics and supply chain industry.
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Alternative definitions of PJL
- Pacific Jeans Limited
- Phillip Jeffries Ltd
- Ports of Jersey Ltd
- Power Jacks Ltd
- Paymaster Jamaica Limited
- Princely Jets Limited
- Powell Jones LLP
View 22 other definitions of PJL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PCA The Professional Cricketers Association
- PCT Pacific Coast Title
- PSCM Pershing Square Capital Management
- PC The Phoenix Company
- PSP Peachtree Spine Physicians
- PCHL Premier Choice Healthcare Ltd
- PCI Prime Conduit Inc.
- PFA Practising Fine Artist
- PUMC Peking Union Medical College
- PTMPL Peddle Thorp Melbourne Pty Ltd
- PPBBE Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education
- PDA Powell Dobson Architects
- PG The Producers Group
- PEL Provide Education Ltd
- PAMG Pemberton Asset Management Group
- PSA Palmetto State Armory